Idlib Valiliğindeki yağmur suyu toplama projesi
yararlananların sayısı 100 aile olduğunu
The House-gardening project highlights a high contribution of achieving Foods-security in our Syria.
#Ihsan for relief and development is still providing agricultural baskets and equipment in southern of Idlib suburb, and the distribution includes farmers and IDPs.
The Agriculture Project is considered as one of the most important resources of #Food_Security and income for more than 190 thousand of people in the north of rural #Homs, and the current siege is posing a direct threat on people’s life there.
The Home Gardens’ Project is considered as one of Ihsan’s project, in which it aims to achieve the Food_Security, and reduce the suffering that our families are living nowadays.
#Ihsan one of the #Syrian_Forum 6 institutions distributed 7500 food packages to the IDP in #Aleppo Suburbs #Syria
Ihsan for #Relief and #Development distributed tools to cultivate#homegardens for families in #Idlib
#Ihsan for Relief and Development is committed to contribute to the reviving of the agricultural sector through a series of development projects in agricultural and #food security sector.
Wheat is one of the most important and strategic crops as it is considered the daily sustenance for people.
In 2015, FAO estimated wheat production in Syria at 2.445 million tons, which means a deficit of 800 thousand tons.
Field trips by Ihsan’s team to monitor wheat plantation process in#Sermin, Idlib’s countryside.
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